FeedOtter Tokens

See the full list of FeedOtter token language usable in your custom templates.

Campaign Tokens

These tokens are used to display properties from the parent FeedOtter campaign object.

Merge Code
Description and Usage


The name of your campaign as provided during the wizard process


A text string containing the day of week, month, day, and year that your email campaign ran. Example: Tuesday, November 15 2016


A date object that can be used for advanced formatting such as [[feedotter.send_date_object | date("Hi m/d/Y", "Europe/Paris")]]. Good resources for date building are: PHP date function and PHP date generator.

[[feedotter.scheduled_date | date("m/d/Y")]]

A date object which contains the date that a curated newsletter is scheduled. This may be useful if you create newsletters that are scheduled in the future. This token REQUIRES the use of a formatter. Date formatters are in PHP format. Supported Modules: Curated Newsletters Supported Platforms: Pardot, Marketo, Eloqua, Campaigner, MailChimp


The FROM NAME value as provided during the campaign wizard process


The FROM EMAIL value as provided during the campaign wizard process


The REPLY EMAIL address as provded during the campaign wizard process


Special text block designed for an email preheader. This includes the title of the first post and the first 100 characters of the first post text.

Post Loop Tokens

These tokens MUST be inside a valid loop.

Merge Code
Description and Usage


The title of a blog post.


The url of a blog post


The best text summary of an article. Our system evaluates the <description> and <content> values and builds a summary based on availability.


Same as post_excerpt with HTML stripped.


The full <description> content from the RSS feed (including HTML if present).


A text-only version of the <description> node from the RSS feed.


The full <content> from the RSS feed. Including HTML.


The full <content> from the RSS feed with HTML removed.


The author name of a blog post. IF the RSS data contains multiple authors they will be displayed separated by a comma. e.g. "Author1, Author2". You can gain more control over the display of multiple authors by using the asArray method.



The name of the source of a blog post



Displays an estimated article read time (integer). Based on the <content> field of the RSS data. Usage: "Read time: [[post.post_timeToRead]] min."

[% if post.post_categories|length >0 %]

[% for cat in post.post_categories |slice(0,1) %]


[% endfor %]

[% endif %]

Category of your blog post. If category assigned to post it will pull the primary category listed.


Create your own standard call-to-action for each content block via the UI.


UI Tokens

These merge codes correspond to properties that can be customized from the FeedOtter customize interface.

Merge Code


The color(hex) selected as primary color in the campaign wizard


The color(hex) selected as secondary color in the campiagn wizard


The color(hex) for buttons and calls to action links


The color(hex) of text in the default footer text. Only allowed inside "footer_html" content.


WYSIWYG html block for footer content.


Display custom html to display social links and icons.


Certain templates support the upload of a logo image.


With your uploaded logo, this token replaces the width (integer) in pixels so you can resize your logo image to fit your template via the UI.


Certain templates support the changing of the max body length via the UI.


Displays the proper unsubscribe link based on your ESP.


Displays a link to view the email as a webpage based on your ESP. Marketo = {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} Pardot = {{View.Online}}


Customize via the UI and automatically use in footer or any area of your template.


Add your company website to link logo and header images via the UI.

Last updated