My automated email did not send as expected
While we work to make FeedOtter reliable. There are unavoidable nuances when working with RSS feeds and 3rd party integrations that may cause your email to not send.
The first step in researching this is to view the Options > History for the campaign in question. This will show us when/if FeedOtter is running correctly. Uncheck the Show Skipped checkbox.
Is the most recent campaign run result = SKIPPED?
A skipped send means that FeedOtter looked for new content, did not find any, and therefore skipped this send.
To understand why this may be the case we should view your RSS feed and ensure that the expected new content appears AND has a valid <pubDate> value.
Even if the expected content appears and has a valid pubDate it may not have been in your RSS feed when FeedOtter last checked.
To send your newsletter manually, use the Send Now feature.
Campaign status says PROBELM
The most common issues are with the RSS feed. Here’s how to solve these RSS feed issues and how they will display in FeedOtter.
The most common cause of a problem is that your website is down or something happened to the RSS feed url. Verify your rss feed is still working and valid. For other problems please open a support request and our team will be happy to help diagnose the problem further.
Last updated