WordPress RSS Feed Reference

WordPress makes an RSS feed for just about anything on your website. WordPress RSS feeds allow you to streamline the creation and automation of content email campaigns. Here, we’ll show you how to find many different WordPress RSS feeds for your website.


One Category Feed

Here’s what the WordPress RSS feed URL will typically look like for finding content in one specific category.


For example, if you were looking for FeedOtter’s blog content in the category best practices, the RSS feed would look like this.


One or Multiple Category RSS Feeds

You can also combine multiple categories and see content from more than one category.




For example, if you were wanting FeedOtter’s blog content for the categories best practices and how to, it would look like this.


Posts Associated with All RSS Feed Categories

If you were wanting only the content that falls in all the categories listed, your WordPress RSS feed will look like this.


So, if you were only wanting the content that fell under best practices and how to, this is the RSS feed URL.



Not only can you find specific category RSS feeds, you can also find your WordPress RSS feed for specific tags on your content.

One Tag Feed

Here’s what the feed URL will look like for one specific tag.


For example, looking for our content tagged Pardot?


One or Multiple Tag Feeds

If you’re looking for content from one of multiple tags, use this URL.


So, if you were looking for content with a pardot or automation, try this.


Posts Associated with All Tags Feed

Or, if you were wanting content with both tags:


For example:


Mixing Tags and Categories

Combining Category and Tag for your RSS feed

You can also find content by the RSS feed that falls into a specific category and has specific tags like so:


For example, if you’re wanting FeedOtter’s b2b resources category with the tag Pardot you would use:


Custom Post Types

If you have custom post types that you are wanting to single out in your RSS feed, you can use these url formats.

http://www.example.com/feed/?post_type=<your custom post type name>

Here’s a great example:


Another approach to finding your WordPress RSS feed

If the above steps don't help there is another approach yoou can try to find your rss feed urls.

To find all category feeds on your site, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access the Categories List:

    • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.

    • Go to Posts > Categories.

    • Here, you'll see a list of all categories on your site.

  2. Obtain the Category URLs:

    • Hover over a category name and click on the View link.

    • This will take you to the category's archive page.

    • Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

  3. Construct the RSS Feed URL:

    • Append /feed/ to the end of the category's URL.

    • For example, if the category URL is https://company.com/category/technology/, the RSS feed URL will be https://company.com/category/technology/feed/.

By repeating these steps for each category, you can compile a list of all category-specific RSS feed URLs on your site.

Additionally, WordPress allows for more advanced RSS feed configurations, such as combining multiple categories or tags into a single feed. For instance, to create an RSS feed that includes posts from multiple categories, you can use a URL structure like https://company.com/?cat=1,2&feed=rss2, where 1 and 2 are the IDs of the categories you're interested in. Similarly, for tags, you can use https://company.com/?tag=tag1,tag2&feed=rss2.

These methods provide flexibility in how you aggregate and distribute content from your WordPress site via RSS feeds.

Last updated