How to Set Up Your ActiveCampaign Integration
To complete your integration, follow the steps below.
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To complete your integration, follow the steps below.
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In FeedOtter, navigate to Settings > Integrations. Then, click Add Integration.
At this point, a popup will appear with input fields where you'll need to addL
Api Key (located in ActiveCampaign > Settings > Developer)
Base URL (your ActiveCampaign account URL)
Connection Label (optional)
When you click Save, you should see the new connection added to your list of integrations.
You can always verify if your connection is working by clicking the TEST button next to your ActiveCampaign integration.
At this point, you are ready to set up your RSS and/or curated newsletters, using the following tutorials:
Getting Started (Automated Newsletters)
Getting Started (Curated Newsletters)