Custom Field Setup

Sample configs for common Eloqua required custom field population.

Here is a sample payload that can be used to fill Eloqua's custom field values when using FeedOtter. In some cases these fields are optional, something they are required.

    "campaignType" : "<your value>",
    "region" : "<your value>",
    "product":"<your value>",
    "fieldValues": [
        {"type":"FieldValue","id":"7","value":"<your value>"},
        {"type":"FieldValue","id":"8","value":"<your value>"}

Unfortunately, there is a certain amount of trial and error required to get this payload correct. During your onboarding the FeedOtter team will use several internal tools to help discover your custom field IDs (integers) so that we can set them up correctly.

The following tool can help you lookup your custom field ids and display them in the browser console. The FeedOtter team will assist with this process during onboarding.

Last updated