Newsletter Defaults

Curated newsletters consist of a default set of options; email template, subject, to,from, and integration settings.

Each curated newsletter has a set of default options that will apply to all issues within that newsletter.The default options include:

  • Email template and design

  • Subject and sender info

  • ESP integration

  • UTM tracking

Note that although the defaults will auto-apply to all new issues created for this newsletter, you can overwrite these settings for any individual issues.

How to Set Up Your Newsletter Defaults

The following steps will show you how to create a new curated newsletter and configure its default settings.

01. Create a newsletter

Navigate to the Curated main menu item and click the New Newsletter button.

02. Access Newsletter Default Settings

When you first create a new newsletter, you'll be redirected to the email builder.

Any settings that you alter here will only affect this issue.

To access the full newsletter defaults, exit the builder and click on the Settings button beneath the newsletter name.

Here, you'll be able to configure the default settings. These are settings and configuration that will be automatically copied to each New Issue that you generate.

03. Select an Email Template

Your template determines the design, look, and feel of your emails.

In the Customize tab, go ahead and click on the Template Library button to access our pre-built templates that are helpfully categorized by general email type.

Alternatively, you can upload your own custom HTML email design. Learn more about uploading your own design here.

04. Sender Info and Default Subject Values

Once you have your template or custom design selected, you can configure the default sender info, subject line, and logo simply by clicking on the corresponding areas in the visual email builder:

We recommend setting a default subject and preheader. You will be able to tweak and change this on a per-issue basis.

This logo will appear on all email issues within the newsletter.

All of our templates have address footer information, so go ahead and scroll down in the email editor and click on the footer area to fill in your address and social information.

Some of our templates also display social profile links.

Integration Defaults

In the Integration tab on the left menu, make sure your ESP is selected from the dropdown. Then, click on the blue Configure Defaults button. This will take you to a screen where you can integrate FeedOtter with your email service provider.

You will be prompted to select a connection and supply default values that differ based on your system. Remember you are setting the defaults. You can always tweak and change these on each send if desired.

Modify additional default settings

Finally, head down to the Settings tab to customize additional defaults such as:

  • Default CTA text

  • Default post body character limit

  • Where to send notifications when an email is published

  • Email code (advanced)

  • Administrative controls

  • UTM code reporting

  • Template color branding

Last updated